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Fur and Boots

 I’ve always had a passion for makeup and fashion, but when you are growing up in New York this passion gets either reinforced or weakened. In my case it was a little of both, I was terribly bullied ALL of my Elementary, Middle, and even some of my High School years and that played a big role in who I’m today but also affected who I was then, for a…

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My Foundation!

Ok, so let me start off by saying that I have tried EVERY single brand out there in search of my holy grail foundation, some were ok others where just HORRIBLE, and others where great but broke me out. As I have mentioned before I have oily, acne-prone skin, and when I look for foundations I make sure they are specifically made for my skin type. I was shopping in…

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Lipstick is the most popular makeup item in the world-no wonder, because it is the easiest and fastest way to glam up your face. Today’s selection is the best ever because of the huge color range, and types. With that being said I’m sure we have all seen woman walking around with the worst lipstick application EVER!!! or the color is not right for their skin tone or age. But…

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Blackhead Be Gone!

If you love using pore strips or need help with blackheads, then this recipe for at home pores strips will be your new favorite, and as always it’s super easy! Good Luck Xxx BLACKHEAD PORE STRIP: In a bowl, mix 1 1/2 tablespoon milk and 1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin, mixture will be chunky Heat up mixture in microwave for about 10 seconds on high, until mixture is smooth and slightly…

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Sunday Lace

Hi guys, so I have been wanting to get back to doing more Outfit of the day pics for you guys but I don’t really have anyone to take the pics of me since my husband is at work. And its getting cold outside, so from now on I will just take a picture or two in my house before I leave to post more regularly, instead of worrying about…

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My Morning Routine!

FAB facial Cleanser Lush Tea Tree Toner, Garnier anti dark roller, Estee Lauder Idealist, AND Origins Vitazing My mornings routine is all about keeping my face oil free but looking fresh and awake! I use the same wash by FAB without the clarisonic brush (I only use at night unless, I’m doing my makeup). Then I spray some of my LUSH tea tree toner on a cotton ball and apply…

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