FAB facial Cleanser

Lush Tea Tree Toner, Garnier anti dark roller, Estee Lauder Idealist, AND Origins Vitazing

My mornings routine is all about keeping my face oil free but looking fresh and awake! I use the same wash by FAB without the clarisonic brush (I only use at night unless, I’m doing my makeup). Then I spray some of my LUSH tea tree toner on a cotton ball and apply on face, concentrating on the T zone. I take a little bit of Idealist serum and apply evenly on my face. I move to my eyes now and take Garnier skin renew anti-dark circle roller and apply it under my eyes, then blend in gently using my ring finger. And finally Origins Vitazing (i did a review on this one) I take a quarter size amount and apply on face and neck. And that’s it, no matter the changes I make I try to keep my mornings routine as simple to me as possible this might seem like a lot of products to some, but remember its all about your personal needs when it comes to skin care. I will be doing a review on each item themselves soon but fi you guys have any questions leave your comments below. Good Luck Xxx