in Beauty

Estrias? StretchMarks?

 Stretch marks are a nightmare, I hate them so much and I would just do about anything to make them disappear! Unfortunately there is no such thing that will remove them completely, once the skin is stretched and marked you are pretty much just going to have to deal. There are however lovely treatments that will help diminished them and make them less visible. Here I made a list of…

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in Beauty

Ojeras? / Dark Circles?

With all that’s been going on in the news lately I have had a really hard time falling asleep. Lack of sleep is not only bad on our mental health but also on our beauty especially our poor eyes. While we could spend many hundreds of dollars in products that promise to erase dark circles and bags from our eyes, sometimes all we need to do is step into our kitchen!  Of…

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in Beauty, Makeup

How Are You Removing Your Eye Makeup?

I was just getting ready for bed, and as I removed my makeup I though… how many people actually remove their eye makeup the right way? Some of you might think it doesn’t matter how you take it off, as long as its off. Well I love to be the one to tell you differently, it actually matters more how you take it off then if, and with what. Why…

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in Beauty, Makeup

My Holy BB!

I’m sure must of you know what a BB creme is, or what its supposed to do for your skin. For those of you who don’t, in short BB creams are all-in-one product meant to save you multiple steps and help you achieve a “flawless” healthy look by providing, sun protection, anti oxidants, moisture, and color. To be completely honest this is not always the case, as the amounts of…

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in Hair

Hermosas Hondas Utilizando Mi Varita de T3/ Beautiful Waves Using My T3 Wand!

Probablemente soy una de las peores personas en estilizar mi cabello, largo o corto no importa nunca sé qué hacer con él. Un estilo de pelo que realmente me empeñe en aprender es ondas voluminosa . Después de mucho ensayo y errores y el dinero gastado en productos inútiles, he encontrado que funciona para mí, por qué, pues su prácticamente imposible no saber husarlo! puedes sostener la varita, envolver el cabello alrededor…

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