We have all been here, a Monday after Thanksgiving and feeling like a sloth from all the overindulgence we did.

Lucky for us there are simple actions that can help us bounce back and today I want to start with one that requires no sit-ups.

Hot water and lemons

A rich source of vitamin C, lemon have great health benefits ranging from its antibacterial and antiviral properties to its immune boosting abilities.

One of the best ways to reap the health benefits of lemon is by juicing it. Lemon juice acts as a digestive and a detoxifying agent and helps in cleaning the liver leading to better digestive health.

Lemon juice is also an effective way to reduce weight as it increases the body’s metabolic rate.

For people looking to use lemon for its weight loss abilities, drinking lemon juice with warm water on an empty stomach every morning can produce amazing results.

Along with the weight loss benefits, drinking warm lemon water every morning also has numerous other benefits.

The best time to drink it is first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Its hard to believe that such a simple drink carries so many health benefits but it does and it works.

Below is just 7 of the many health benefits of drinking hot water with lemon juice first thing in the morning:

  1. As a rich source of vitamin C, lemon juice protects the body from Immune system deficiencies.
  2. Lemon water helps clear many kinds of skin problems ranging from acne to dark spots.
  3. Lemon juice with warm water helps in quick weight loss as it promotes digestion and increases the metabolic rate.
  4. Lemon juice is also very effective at cleansing the liver as it promotes the liver to flush out toxins
  5. Lemon juice with warm water helps keep the body hydrated as it provides electrolytes to the body.
  6. Drinking lemon juice with warm water also helps reduce joint and muscle pain.
  7. Lemon juice with warm water helps with digestion and hence, helps regulate natural bowel movement.
There are other great tips coming your way on how to bounce back from a cheat day or in my case weeks.

I dropped the ball in a major way these past few weeks, and it all started before my trip to Mexico.

All I need to get motivated to do a detox is to feel crappy, I will also resume my exercise and healthy diet so when Christmas comes I can pig out again!

What motivates you to seek a healthier lifestyle? Let me know in the comment section and also if you have any detox tips I should try.