no sugar


You guys! I made it; I survived the 21 days No Sugar Diet Challenge, and for the past twenty-five days I have been checking in this diary sharing my thoughts and what was going on in my crazy head.

Day 1-7:

I am completely regretting the decision to embark on this challenge.

I went to the supermarket to find better options; immediately became evident that almost everything in the world has added sugar. Read the labels my peeps!

This week was a snowstorm, the perfect setting to binge watch tv and eat delicious treats. Instead, I’m stuck with healthy food, boo.

Over the weekend, we celebrated, Gabi, my 14-year-old baby.

I baked her an Oreo cake, and it was complete torturous. The cake, I was told, was one of the best cakes I have ever made.

Just as I’m starting to adjust to my new lifestyle, the headaches and mood swings posses my body, lord have mercy on mi Familia!

Day 8-14

I feel completely drained, very low energy and not happy at all.

The weird but good thing is that I’m not massively craving sugar.

The headaches got intense this week; however, I have an easier time falling asleep.

My diet is still very healthy, example: for breakfast, I have eggs with lean proteins and a green juice with ingredients like; beets, carrots, kale, apple, ginger, and lemon.

I’m not a big snack person, which I’m trying to change.

For dinner, I  have baked chicken with brown rice and salad. For dressing a lemon, pepper & light salt.

Day 12 I am headache free! I am feeling more in control of my bitching, and my skin is clearing up.

Day 15-21

For the first time in my challenge, I am craving sweets.

Right around Easter, everything looks so freaking delicious. But I have willpower, and I am determined.

Day 17 of my challenge I went to my doctor for a physical, when I got weighed, I could not believe the scale.

I weight 125 pounds; I have not been this weight since I was in my early 20s!

To be completely honest, I did not embark on this challenge with hopes of losing weight but that was such a clear way of realizing that sugar is in no way, my friend.

Or anyone else’s, it causes more damage than benefits.

Today April 7, 2018, twenty-four days since that first day, I still have not had a single piece of candy, ice cream, cake, soda, juice or even wine.

I feel great, my skin is clearing up, I sleep like a baby, and I lost two more pounds. I have zero desire to eat sweets.

Seriously you guys, I’m embarrassed to think back to twenty-something days ago. The way I was abusing my body its crazy, and I’m lucky I didn’t have more health issues.

Will I ever have deserts again? Absolutely! But only really delicious ones and in moderation.

The no sugar diet challenge has completely changed my relationship with desserts. I recommend it to anyone who is looking to improve their lifestyle.

Like everything else in life, balance is everything, and when I decide to have yummy sweets, I will make sure is worth the Calories.

 ♥ I decided to extend my No Sugar Diet until my wedding anniversary. I will pick up a Red Velvet Cheesecake and Hagen Dazz I’m sure it will be delicious!

My husband took this picture as I was ready to schedule this post, as you can see I treated myself to a Red Velvet Cheesecake from The Cheese Cake Factory. I’m proud to report that while it was delicious after a few bites I had enough.

With a little amount, my sweet tooth felt happy and satisfied.

I showed great self-control. It is safe to say this challenge has completely changed my lifestyle for the better.

Have you tried going sugar-free?

Love You Guys, Thanks For Reading