grow longer healthier hair

One of the questions my readers ask the most is for tips on how to grow longer healthier hair faster.

This might be because it’s more common than not to regret cutting our hair in the first place.

Currently, my hair too has reached the length of regret, and need it to grow ASAP.

I was contemplating cutting my hair very recently; I even have a “short hair” inspiration board on Pinterest.

However, after some thought, I decided to hold off on the scissors and let it grow.

 Grow Longer Healthier Hair Faster

The first thing to do when you are trying to outgrow an awkward length is to have patience, and trust me I know its easier said than done.

The second step is to make sure your health is on point, drink plenty of water and consume foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals.

Foods like eggs, salmon, walnuts, bananas, sweet potatoes, and avocados to name a few should be in your weekly menu.

To supplement your healthy diet and boost your hair growth take a daily supplement like this one HERE which supports healthier hair, skin, and nails.

Now the focus should be the health of the hair you already have; this is vital if you want to grow longer healthier hair faster.

This is where you can get creative and experiment with different DIY masks and rinse.

I have shared many DIY hair recipes over the years, but the ones below have been some of my readers and my personal favorites.

Avocado & Aloe Hair Mask HERE

Clay & Yogurt Hair Mask HERE

The Healthy Hair and Scalp Treatment HERE

Overnight Oil Treatment HERE

Coconut Cream Hair Mask HERE

Extra Tips

Find positives to your current length, for example; I can blow-dry my hair in under 20 minutes.

Embracing your current length is the proactive way of having patience while growing out your hair.

Protect your hair while you sleep. Invest in a silk pillow like this one HERE

Always use a leave-in hair protectant product, my favorite HERE

Use a boar bristle brush for healthy, shiny hair, and it will help to prevent hair breakage, seal in split ends and reduce frizz HERE

I hope you found this tips helpful, let me know in the comment section what you would like to see next on the blog!