

in Fitness/Health, Lifestyle

My Discovery With The Elimination Diet/What Foods I’m Eliminating Forever

Hi Guys! Today, I want to share my discoveries with the elimination diet and what foods I’m eliminating permanently from my diet. If you haven’t yet, make sure to read this post, in which I share the 101 on this therapeutic intervention. As well as my reasons for doing the elimination diet and recipe ideas. My Experience With The Elimination Diet First, I would like to begin by sharing my…

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Control Cravings
in Fitness/Health, Lifestyle

I Ate Goli Nutrition Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies Every Day For 3 Months And Here is My Review

In this post, I will be sharing my experience after eating Goli Nutrition Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies every day for three months. Apple cider vinegar has always been a key ingredient in my healthy lifestyle journey and DIY beauty recipes. But, this might not be a surprise since ACV has various known healthful properties, including antimicrobial and antioxidant effects. Moreover, evidence suggests it may offer other health benefits, such as…

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My Current Exercise Routine and What I Eat To Gain Lean Muscle
in Fitness/Health, Lifestyle

My Current Exercise Routine and What I Eat To Gain Lean Muscle

In this post I will be sharing my current Exercise Routine and What I Eat To Gain Lean Muscle. If you haven’t yet, make sure to read my 2-year health and fitness recap post. In there, I share my reasons for beginning my new lifestyles, as well as the diets and workouts programs I did in the beginning. My Current Exercise Routine After mostly working out using YouTube fitness channels…

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Health and Fitness Journey
in Fitness/Health

My 2 Year Health and Fitness Recap + 6 Tips to Help You Get Started

In this post, I will be sharing my 2-year health and fitness recap and 6 tips to help you get started on your healthy lifestyle journey. I hope that in sharing my experience, you find inspiration and information that will help you start or remain committed to your health and fitness goals. However, I would like to state that I am NOT a fitness expert or nutritionist and that you should…

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