

in Lifestyle

My 30 Day Keto Challenge Update

What’s the Keto Diet and How Does it Work? The Keto diet is a low carb, moderate protein and high-fat diet which puts the body into a metabolic state known as ketosis. When your body is in a state of ketosis, the primary energy source for the body becomes ketones. This means your body is directly breaking down fat stored as energy instead of slowly converting fat and muscle cells…

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Steffany Colleran
in Fitness/Health, Lifestyle

Detox Organics Is Helping Me Achieve My Health Goals

Detox your body, your mind, and your contact list. #Success I don’t know why it has taken me so long to post about Detox Organics here. I started drinking Detox Organics 3 months ago, and my dygestive health has never been better. A healthy digestive system is essential for a healthy body, and for as long as I can remember I have been chronically constipated, I’ve had to be taken to…

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Sugar Detox
in Fitness/Health, Lifestyle

My No Sugar Diet Diary: The Day Before The Big Day

As some of you might have seen on my Instagram, yesterday I decided to start my no sugar diet. The first step was deciding how extreme I was going to go. There are various types of no-sugar diet, the more extreme; eliminating all sources of sugar, even from fruits and veggies. While other consists of only removing foods that have added sugar, like soda, and desserts. I will do the latter for…

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health, fitness, running,
in Fitness/Health, Lifestyle

Wiivv Custom Fit Insole Review

A custom fit insole is something that I never really thought of, but a few minutes after reading the benefits of having it I was excited to try. The process of ordering my Wiivv custom fit insole was a breeze, I downloaded the app and followed a few simple steps. To get the measurement, all you need is a piece of white paper and a wall, the app is clear…

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