I am all for #selflove, and I believe that it is essential to living your best life.
Self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, and mental growth.
Practicing self-care is my favorite way of #selflove, and I take my body-skincare routines very serious, the tips I want to share with you are my favorite for feeling confident with or without clothes.
Working out will offer long-term results if done regularly. Even just for 15 minutes a day, exercise can help you look and feel better.
My 30-minute routine HERE targets every muscle in your body and can be modified to your fitness level and the amount of time you have to work out.
Shrink Your Meals
Just by consuming 100 fewer calories a day you can start to notice your waistline shrink, I find that for some people it’s more natural to slowly change their eating habit than to go on a strict diet.
On my first week of Keto, I ate the same thing every day for breakfast. I found this very helpful. Try doing this and choose foods that are high in nutrients and low in the calorie count.
Scrub Away
With regular exfoliation comes great skin. It not only gets rid of dead skin but when you exfoliate your skin, you are essentially causing a slight irritation which helps increase blood circulation and helps plump the area and reveal healthier glowing skin.
Exfoliation can be with a washcloth, loofa, or my favorite DIY for soft and tone skin; brown sugar and coffee scrub HERE
Treat the Bumps
I speak from experience when I say that body acne can affect your self-esteem sometimes even more than having a couple of extra pounds. To treat the bumps use a body wash with Salicylic Acid as the active ingredient like this one HERE.
A Pro Tip: Salicylic Acid needs to be left on the skin for ten minutes to be effective, so apply the body wash with 2 percent salicylic acid before you hop in the shower.
Moisturize In the Shower
I can’t stress enough how crucial smooth skin is to feel confident, one of the most effective ways to moisturize is while the skin is wet. My favorite is the Jergens Wet Skin Moisturizer HERE.
Fake It
A fake tan works like magic in giving the appearance of a leaner and toned body. There are so many options in the market, even ones you can use in the shower so do your research and choose one that best fits your lifestyle.
One I’ve personally used, and is highly rated is the Loving Tan ‘2HR Express Dark Self Tanning Mousse’ HERE.
Glow Baby Glow!
Glowing skin is SEXY, and coconut oil is your best friend for achieving that healthy glow. Not only are coconuts rich in skin-softening fatty acids, but they also double as a dry oil since its absorbed quickly and leaves a nongreasy sheen.
My favorite Coconut Oil to use not only in the kitchen but for my beauty DIY treatments is the Carrington Organic Coconut Oil tub HERE.
Ditch the Brazilians
So you know how a haircut can contour and slim out your face? The same happens when choosing the shape of your bikini area trim. The most flattering shape for most is the triangle, and if done proportionally it can help give the illusion of slimmer hips.
My favorite tool is the Venus Bini Trimmer HERE it is comfortable and convenient to use helping you achieve the shape you desire more effortlessly.
I hope that you find these tips helpful and that they help you feel your best in your own body.