I went in to LUSH to restock on some bath bombs and body creams, of course I started talking to the sales associates and whining about how badly I’ve been breaking out when she recommended I try catastrophe mask. After I read the front and saw that one of the ingredients were blueberries I was sold, blueberries are rich in antioxidants and are great to eat and also in skincare so I thought this has to be good!

Sorry For The Blurriness 🙁

The sales associates explained to me that I should wash my face before applying this and to keep on my face for 10 minutes. This is a fresh mask so it has to be kept refrigerated.

Voila! After removing the mask. 

My first impression was really how thick it looked and actually is, so that made it a tad bit uncomfortable to apply especially over the already sensitive broken out areas. I have to say that my face did burn a little while the mask was on but as soon as I removed it my face felt cleaner, softer and looked calmer thanks to the calamine, and chamomile!

The main reason I will not be buying this mask again is that it has fragrance, now this might be what makes my face burn or something else is definitely causing this. But I really don’t understand the need for fragrance especially when the mask is supposed to be for acne prone skin AKA as sensitive skin.

 I did finish the whole pot to give it a fair try and see how my skin would react. I did not notice any difference in my breakouts, I am not going to blame this mask directly as I am currently in esthetics school but if anything I broke out even more. But remember that all skins are different and what doesn’t work for me might do wonders for you! Good Luck Xxx

Purchased: LUSH Store
Price: $6.95