I think we all know by now how much I love makeup…… what I don’t like is washing my makeup off at the end of the day. It honestly feels like such a drag, start off with a wipe first, apply this super greasy “oil free” makeup remover, then use a cleanser to realize when I wipe my face with toner that I still have makeup in my skin. //Saben de sobra que me encanta maquillarme, lo que no saben es que detesto tener que removerme todo el maquillaje en las noche. Tengo que usar siempre mas de un producto para remover el maquillaje y no siempre consigo removerlo todo. 

When Conffianz a Latina inspired skincare brand, reached out to me and offered me to try out their cleanser I was cool with that, but when they told me I need to do a heavy Day Of The Day makeup look, and then remove it all using the cleanser I was intrigued. See it must be a really good cleanser if thats how they want to demonstrate the efficacy of their product. // Cuando fui contactada por Conffianz, una compañía latina con la oportunidad de tratar su limpiador facial inmediatamente obtuvieron mi atención. Aun me vi mas intrigada cuando me pidieron que me maquillara de Catrina para luego removerme todo el maquillaje solo usando el limpiador facial. 

I went ahead and did a Catrina look and well if you follow me on Instagram and saw my story, you know how “creative” I got with it. I used a lot of blacks and red, from oil based to water based water proof makeup. I decided to go all in and see what this cleanser can do. // Cree un look de Catrina usando tonos negros, rojos, blancos todo de alta calidad y aprueba de agua. Quercia ver si verdaderamente este limpiador hace lo qui promete.

Conffianz really impressed me, I removed half of my face first and was left in awe to see how well it removed all that caked in heavy makeup! I was left even more impressed when I wiped my face with a clean tissue soaked in toner and my face was perfectly clean. // Quede mas que impresionada con la eficcaz con la que Conffianz limpiador de rostra limpio mi cara. Sin utilizar aqua, y solo tres algodones me removi todo el maquillaje y mi rostra quedo impecablemente limpio! Observe el video para que lo vean en accion. 

Watch the video to see how amazing this cleanser works and then go ahead and buy yourself this great cleanser using the code “DIADEMUERTOS30” on their website www.conffianz.com and save 30% off!// Visiten a la pagina de Conffianz www.coffianz.com y utilicen el codigo “DIADEMUERTOS30” para que ahorren 30% en su compra. 

What Makes This Cleanser So good// Que Hace Este Limpiador Facial Tan Bueno? 

  • Facial Cleanser gently removes makeup, oil and other impurities while conditioning and smoothing the skin. Key natural ingredients such as Ginger, Aloe, Sweet Almond and Citrus Extracts nourish the skin while leaving it clean and ready to face the world!// El Limpiador Facial remueve toda impureza y maquillaje al mismo tiempo que acondiciona y suaviza tu piel. Los ingredientes clave son el jengibre, el aloe, la almendra dulce y extractos cítricos.
  • Conffianz products contain a combination of natural and pharmaceutical ingredients to provide maximum results. // Los productos Conffianz contienen una combinación de ingredientes naturales y farmacéuticos que porveen máximos resultados.
  • A portion of all sales goes back into Latin community scholarships. // Una porción de las ventas es destinada a la comunidad hispana – contamos con nuestra ‘Inexplicablemente Bella Scholarship’ la cual es para las latinas que quieren cumplir su sueño de ir a la universidad.
  • Conffianz products are recommended by dermatologist// Los Productos Conffianz son recomendados por dermatologos. 
  • Winner of the 2014 Latina Beauty Award from Latina Magazine// Conffianz ganó en 2014 el Latina Beauty Award de Latina Magazine
  • Products sold as a kit or individually at www.conffianz.com and Walmart// Lo pueden comprar en Walmart on en linea en www.conffianz.com. 

FTC: Sponsored by Coffianz.  I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my viewers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission guidelines concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising.