As a makeup artist I can tell you how important makeup brushes are, and how difficult in can be to pick the right ones. Some makeup brushes can be very expensive or inexpensive but I will tell you this the price tag does not always reflect the quality of the brush you are buying. Mainly there are two kinds of brushes the natural hair or the synthetic and while there is good and bad in the two kinds I wanted to share with you what they are good for that way you can decide which kind to invest in.. 

Natural Vs. Synthetic

  • Natural hair has follicle that cling to powder pigments, allowing them to be evenly applied
  • Lasts a lifetime if taken care of properly
  • Synthetic are best to use with cream and liquid formulas
  • Synthetic can cost significantly less money

I wanted to keep the list very short and not go over the cons as this really is a very personal opinion. There are so many great choices when it comes to makeup brushes and you really don’t know which ones work the best for you until you try them.

My Favorite Brushes Are:

Mac 217
Mac 239
Mac 130
Mac 132
Morphe M426
Sedona Lace Eb-19
Sedona Lace 863

Most of them are synthetic but are made of great quality.