

in Beauty

Lusting For Lush!

 Life can get very stressful, some days I really wish I could clone myself and runaway and just be by myself somewhere in a deserted island… Then I wake up from my fantasy and face reality! lol but when it comes to the end of the night, I try as often as I can to take relaxing baths, especially after a long day! One of my ultimate favorite musts for…

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in Beauty

Look Fresh!

In need of a fresh looking face fast?! I have just the solution for you! Simply grind 1-2 chilled cucumbers (depending on size) in a blender so that you get a watery paste. Then apply to your face for about 30 minutes. This mask is great for your skin and will leave you with a super fresh and radiant feeling! It also helps to prevent acne! Don’t you just love…

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in Beauty

Myth Buster!

 I have heard this time and time again, a very popular myth that seems to be so deeply believed by so many people! I constantly get “I need to go in the sun to remove my acne”. As much as I wish that were true, it is a fairy tale that if believed can actually cause more damage and breakouts to your skin than good! Sure, tanned skin hides blemishes…

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in Beauty

Brighten Up Your Scars With Honey!

  The most effective at home remedies for removing scars, is using honey. Seems really simple doesn’t it? Well, it is! When I have a scar or something that looks like it will scar, I simply rub a little honey on the area a few times a day and notice that the scar will diminish slowly and naturally (depending on how fresh the scar is, will determine how long it…

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in Beauty

Tweezers I Cant Be Without!

 I can’t go anywhere without tweezers! Seriously, sometimes when I’m out just casually I find myself wishing I had pair to pull that odd hair! So having tried almost every tweezer I could get my hands on, it’s become VEEERY clear that no tweezer stands a change against Tweezerman tweezers! I recently started to do my own eyebrows and I love them because they are better for pretty much everything!…

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in Beauty

Go Banana For Bananas!

Here are some reasons why you should go bananas! Beauty Benefits of Bananas: It has super anti-aging properties and acts as an awesome natural moisturizer! You can simply mash it and place it on your skin for super moisturizing benefits! Bananas have ingredients that tighten our skin and can firm any body part, from face to chest! It is rich in Vitamin A, B6 and B12, which means it helps…

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