positive thinking

While trying to reach my target two-mile run the other day I realized how many times my mind was working against me and that if I had listened to my thoughts, I would have stopped running minutes after starting.

The mind is the most powerful tool we possess, and if not trained properly it can lead us to make the wrong choices every time.

I find that the more I replace the negative thoughts with positive affirmations I achieve more not only from my fitness routines but most importantly in my everyday life.

I firmly believe that a positive mental attitude with the support of affirmation will help you achieve every goal you set for yourself. But we cannot rely just on thoughts to notice a change in our lives; they have to be put into actions to manifest our intentions.

Affirmations help purify our thoughts and restructure the dynamic of our brains so that we truly begin to live like everything is possible.

I want to share 18 empowering affirmations that have helped me achieve a more positive attitude as well as acceptance and self-love.

18 Empowering Affirmations

1. I believe in me.

2. I am enough.

3. I choose faith over fear.

4. I choose to be happy.

5. I can do this.

6. I was not made to give up.

7. I have the power to change my story.

8. I dare to say NO.

9. I use my failure as a stepping stone.

10. I inspire others.

11. I’m getting stronger every day.

12. No one can make me feel inferior.

13. I honor my commitment to myself.

14. I am free of worry and am at peace with myself.

15. It is not their job to like me. It’s mine.

16. I am fearless.

17. I choose what I become.

18. I know my worth.

Let me know in the comment section which Affirmation will you use in your daily life to help achieve your goals?  My current favorite is number 17: I choose what I become.