I remember the first time I tried shaving it did not go as “smooth” as I planned it in my head. I used a BIC three blade razor and well my skin did not react so well. I broke out, I even cut my skin (ouch) and took half of my brow off. Fast forward a couple of years later, I tried waxing the hairs off and this time it went really bad for my skin. I broke out like I had never broken out before and it took months for my skin to clear out. I was left with no desire to remove my little vellus hair, until one day years later my esthetician asked me if I wanted to add dermaplaning to my facial. I went on to tell her my past experiences and she laughed and said girl I got you. 
Turns out the reason I was breaking out before was very obvious, I was over exfoliating by using three blades. I also irritated my skin by using hot wax to my sensitive thin skin. 

I was hesitant but decided to try dermaplaning the fancy name for shaving. It was amazing, my skin looked radiant, smooth, more even tone, my makeup went on more effortless, I needed less product. The only downside was the price tag. It added a whopping $75 to my already expensive monthly facial.

I was shopping for skincare products one day and came across Dermaflash and well it made perfect sense to own this little tool. I can do my own dermaplanning at home whenever I want to and save money! I achieved the same awesome benefits as the professional dermaplaning at a fraction of the price. 

Dermaflash is easy to use, its a three-step system: Prep, Edge, Soothe. First, you prep the face with the included cleanser. Then, insert a new Edge into the device and using short feathery strokes, use the device on the face to remove built debris, dead skin cells, and peach fuzz. Lastly,  soothe the skin with the Hydrating Moisturizer
Here are some more tips to follow, for how to use your dermaflash and have the best experience with it: 

-Use DERMAFLASH one time per week for maximum benefits. 

-DERMAFLASH is for use on a woman’s face only.  

-Follow the three-step method: Prep, Edge, Soothe 

-Charge device overnight before use. Device will not charge with Edge in place.

-Insert a new Edge prior to each treatment.

The last one is the most important to follow, don’t reuse the blades. This is how you can cause irritation and breakouts, the secret to dermaplanning success is always making sure you use a brand new blade and use awesome products for your skin to absorb and benefit from. Below is a video of how I use my dermaflash! 

I want to note that Dermaflash sent me a devise for me to try and give my honest opinion. I only review products I love and use.