In this post, I will be sharing the first Coronaventures series post featuring Breakwater Beach in Brewster, Massachusetts.

Usually, there are countless summertime activities to enjoy with the family. However, thanks to COVID-19, we are living differently this summer of 2020. That said, my husband and I have made it a priority to fill our girl’s summer days with adventure and wonder (while still practicing physical distancing), and beaches create a great destination for that.
Experts also agree that some of the safer ways to re-engage with the world this summer are outdoor activities, like swimming or running along the shore. Here, I want to share our experience at Breakwater Beach in Brewster, MA.
Disclaimer: There is yet no vaccine for COVID-19, and the most effective way to prevent illness is still to avoid being exposed to the virus, according to the CDC. When out in public, always wear a mask and put about six feet of space between others and yourself. Even if you’re healthy, you should stay home and avoid other people as much as possible to help save lives.

Breakwater Beach in Brewster
We found a piece of the Caribbean in Breakwater Beach. But at first, when we arrived, it wasn’t looking like anything special. So, let me tell you what changed.
On a hot Monday morning after driving precisely one and a half hours, we arrived at Breakwater Beach, located in Brewster, MA. The parking lot only had half of the parking spaces available (to limit cars due to COVID) but, we were lucky to find one spot open.
With our masks on, we grabbed our bags and began to make our way to the beach. Our first remark was how bright and pristine the sand was. This detail alone is enough to make my Caribbean heart very happy.
Unfortunately, there is not a ton of sand to explore because Breakwater Beach is small (maybe a mile long) and in between two private beaches. But still, everyone was keeping a distance from each other, and fortunately, we found a perfect spot for our tent.
Side note: This is the second public beach that we bring our camping tent to, and it’s been clutch. For instance, when we are all in the water, we keep our belongings safe in there. And whenever we are in the sand area, we stay in the tent to keep our distance from others. Moreover, it’s been great for eating, changing our clothes and getting some work done.

Coronaventure Officially Begins
Once settled, I got to take in the shoreline, and I have to admit I wasn’t impressed. I mean, it didn’t look like anything special. However, I was pleased to see other small children playing along the shore.
We closed up our tent and made our way to the water, and these were the first impressions; First, the temperature of the water was perfect at about 75 degrees. Second, the sand felt soft but on the muddy side. Still, the water is clear enough to see your toes and fish swimming by your legs. And, even though the tide was high when we got there, the waves were small, and the water was not that deep.
After a few hours, the tides began to lower, and that’s when the magic begins. When the tide is low, tidal pools filled with small crabs and fish starts to reveal. Meanwhile, boats that were once floating in the water now sit on the sand.

We began to walk and explore this magical scene. Taking everything in, the girls were in awe seeing all the small sea creatures. We walked for more than a mile, finding sand bars with pink and blue sand—also, more pockets where the water was more transparent.
As we walked further into the ocean, we found a swimmable area (knees height) where the water and sand combo were similar to beaches I’ve been in the Caribbean and Mexico. It was truly spectacular, and I could have stayed there all day!

That said, we had read that water rushes back in quickly at high tide, so we decided to walk back and stay closer to the beach.
Finally, after a long day well spent swimming and exploring Breakwater Beach in Brewster, we made our way to Marc Anthony’s in Onset, MA to try some of their famous NY style Pizza and fried dough.

We found a perfect bench overlooking the water and ate our pizzas, while the sun was setting. A truly magnificent ending to our family day out!
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Disclaimer: Affiliate links are used in this post. If you purchase via my link I receive a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. It helps support my blog and I only recommend products and services that I use and love. Thank you for your support.

Tips & More Info About Breakwater Beach:
- Parking permit stickers are required and must be purchased in advance HERE.
- Parking spaces are limited.
- No lifeguards.
- There are portable toilets available.
- Breakwater Beach is excellent for families with younger kids.
- Check the tide chart HERE, so you plan accordingly and capture the magic.
- Breakwater beach is between two private beaches.
- Bring a tent, trust me, you will never want to go to a public beach again without one.
- Pack a camera Waterproof Underwater Housing Case Pouch
- Dont forget to reapply sunscreen every 2 hours.